
Pacific Ocean eBook


Dwarfing the Atlantic with a surface area twice the size, the Pacific covers a third of the globe and is by far the Earth’s biggest single feature. It is also the deepest ocean, holds the tallest mountains and the largest coral reef, but even more importantly, it is home to the planet’s biggest surf! Booming winter Aleutian swells saturate the North Pacific, while southern hemisphere lines roar out of the forties latitudes almost year-round, peppering the South Pacific and beyond. Alongside these two main supply lines, there’s always a chance of cyclones, hurricanes or typhoons, plus the ever-present east-flavoured trades can top up the islands with reliable wind swell. The Pacific is encircled by 452 volcanoes and sitting majestically at the centre of this enormous lava-fed halo is Hawaii, which fittingly represents both the centre of The Ring of Fire and the centre of the surfing universe.


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