This is the website of Low Pressure Ltd. The address for correspondence relating to this website is:

The information contained in this website may contain technical inaccuracies and typographical errors. Any information contained in or made available from the website is intended for information purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice and is made without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Whilst Low Pressure Ltd makes every effort to ensure that the content is accurate and up to date, nothing in these pages should be construed as legal advice. Care must be taken in respect of the information contained in this website without professional advice. The Principal for the time being of Low Pressure Ltd will not be liable to you for any loss which results from reliance on information contained in this site. Low Pressure Ltd and any other persons involved in the management of the firm may make changes to the content of this website at any time without notice. Low Pressure Ltd makes no representations as to the security, quality or propriety of any website which may be accessed through Low Pressure Ltd website. Connected websites accessed through Low Pressure Ltd website are independent websites. Low Pressure Ltd does not exercise any control, whether financial, editorial or of any kind and are not in any way endorsed by Low Pressure Ltd. Users should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question. Low Pressure Ltd will not be liable to you for any direct, indirect, consequential, special or other damage resulting from the transmission form Low Pressure Ltd to your computer system of any viruses, worms, trojan horses or other destructive programmes however caused, such damage to include, without limitation, loss of profit, interruption to business, loss of the whole or any part of a programme or any data howsoever stored whether saved on a computer system or otherwise. You may not create a link to this website from another website or document without Low Pressure Ltd prior written consent.

2.1 All Low Pressure e-products are strictly for personal use and are subject to Copyright law and any form of copying or distributing without the consent of Low Pressure Ltd is strictly prohibited.
2.2 Excluding paid for downloads, all design, text and graphics displayed on the Low Pressure Ltd website and selection or arrangement thereof are the copyright of their respective owners. You are granted permission to electronically copy and print in hard copy portions of Low Pressure Ltd website for your own personal use. Any other use of materials from Low Pressure Ltd website (including but not limited to reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, and modification, distribution or republication) without written permission of Low Pressure Ltd is strictly prohibited.
2.3 You are responsible for ensuring that all portions of Low Pressure Ltd website you electronically copy or print in accordance with the provision of these terms and conditions of use which permit such copying and/or printing are free from viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other items of a destructive nature.

All trade marks, product names, brand names, company names, titles, copyrights or logos cited herein are the trade marks, trade names or copyright of their respective owners. No permission is given by Low Pressure Ltd in respect of the use of any such trade marks, product names, brand names, company names, titles copyrights or logos.

Low Pressure Ltd respects your privacy. Any details which you give to us via this website may be added to our database. We may store details of your name, address, email address, telephone number and details of the gender and interests or other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers. This information allows Low Pressure Ltd to notify you of any events about which you have requested information or to reply to any queries you raise via email. We do not pass your details on to any third party. The personal information which you provide us with, together with details of your project may also be used by Low Pressure Ltd for the purpose of sending you information which we believe may be of interest to you or for related marketing purposes. Low Pressure Ltd may pass on your details to accountants, consultants or other professionals for the purpose of obtaining professional advice and complying with our contractual obligations. If you would rather not receive this material please send an email to Otherwise, by submitting your information you consent to its use in this way. To help us keep our database up to date, we would be grateful if you would let us know as soon as any of your details change or if you notice any inaccuracies in them. If you would like to see the information we hold about you or would like to be removed from our database, send an email to the address above.
The internet is not a secure medium. However, Low Pressure Ltd will use its reasonable endeavours to keep confidential the personal information it receives from you via this website. Low Pressure Ltd uses such information only as set out in these terms and conditions of use and will note sell or pass such information on to any third parties for marketing purposes without first obtaining your consent.

5.1 If Low Pressure Ltd change its terms and conditions of use, we will post details on this page so that you may be aware of them and you will be given a chance to ask us not to use your personal information for the changed purposes.
Because the Internet infrastructure is global, and it is not possible to predict the routes that information sent over the internet will take, the information you send may be transferred temporarily via a route which takes it outside the European Economic area as it passes between you and us. By submitting your information you consent to this transfer.

You accept the risk that data transmitted electronically via the Low Pressure Ltd website or otherwise may be intercepted before reaching its intended destination or accessed by unauthorised third parties and may be exploited unlawfully by such third parties. Low Pressure Ltd does not assume responsibility for guarding against the acts of such parties and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special or other damage resulting from third parties’ interception of or access to data of whatever nature.

7.1 If not actually the case, the contract under which you use Low Pressure Ltd shall be deemed to have been made in England and the construction, validity and performance of these terms and conditions of use shall be governed in all respects by English law and the English courts shall have non exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute between you and Low Pressure Ltd concerning your use of the Low Pressure Ltd website.

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